Warlocks are unable to make truthful alliances. They work in solo or with a lover or special group of 'freinds'. An alliance between Mathew Tait, Rex and Hanna. Rex and Hanna only wanted to use him to get the Charmed powers. Matthew had no choise but to join them as he was out of his time. Rex and Hanna planned to kill him sao they could ecxtract the powers from him once he had them. Their plans were spoiled when Matthew was defeated. note no pact was made between the two.
Deamons are more trustworthy when it comes to pacts and upholding them. Having a a more obvious heirarchy and the source, to which they obey they are less divided then warlocks. In 'Give me a sign' we saw Litvac was faithfully obeyed by his followers though he would kill them without a reconcidering thought. Deamons also have been known to make pacts with moratals, wich they honor. Such as Masslin and Dishwalla's manager, The fear deamon and Bane.
Darklighter are a paradox. They are the opposite of a Whitelighter, a Guardian angel for wiches. The opposite od an angle is a deamon though they are in a class of their own. Motives of Darkilighter seem centered around Whitelighters as each time seen they have tried to kill them.
The source
In 'Give me a sign Litvac was said be be high in the deamon heiarky. He served the source which was the source of his powers. He said the source liked it when he fed it witches and was keen to kill the Chamed one's. Was the source the highest position in the deamon world? How many 'groups' of deamons in San Fransisco serve the source?
In 'Apocalpse, Not' we saw the four horsemen of the apacalpse trying to bring the apacalpse for the source. They were anointed by the source to bring the apocalpse. They were not the first but the closest. A long ring has been anointed whenever the world was on the brink of destruction they were there. Consiting of War, Death, Strife, Famine they use their particular areas to bring destruction. So high in the heirachy of evil they above deamons in the area of not being able to be vanquished. only the source itself can vanquish them for failing.
This is the second time we have heard about the source. Could it be the top of the Evil heirarchy, probably not but it's up there. Do warlocks fit into this, i don't think so thinking that the source is for deamons. i prefer to think that warlocks fit into the Evil heirarchy in a diferent area. This is as they are a different sort and the two times mentioning the source are to do with Deamons.
The Council
The council is made up of five men who are possibly warlocks. The council seen has not dealt with deamons ands the source has not dealt with warlocks wich leads me to believe that the source has control over some deamons and visa-versa.
The men have been shown to stand in a pentagram with the person they summoned in the middle. They allk wear yellow robes and one carries a yellow snake. Though most of their powers are unknown they are 'high up on evils food chain'. They have been shown to have summoning powers when they summoned the genie while he was free.