Why Just Weirs Community I hear you ask? The idea behind it is to gather as much information on the Weir family tree as possible and share it with people who can not afford to do the research them selves. All information received will be accessible by all members.

Chat Room

There is a chat room on the site where you can communicate with other Weirs or members.


Searching for or adding records

When searching for records, you can specify any singular word or words and select the field you wish to search (i.e. Weir in Surname). I've done it like this for a reason. I've added an 'Extra Information' text area were you can add a lot of text explaining things in great detail. When you search for a piece of text in the Extra Information field (lets say other Weirs or surnames not on record), it will still display the record for which it was added.

When adding a record, please add as much correct information as possible. You can, if you like, barter with other members for copies of birth or death certificates, but I'd prefer it if we share information so we can all gain the information needed for our family trees. Remember, those people who retain information needed by other people may not receive valuable information from fellow members.



Family Tree Forum : The Family Tree Forum is designed so you can post information requests on there regarding your family tree.


Live Forum : The Live Forum is to be used if you want to contact the living. If you have lost contact with a Weir, or you are trying to contact an old school friend etc, then this is the place to add it.


Membership - Absolutely FREE

Membership will be free for the time being but it is strictly for Weirs only!!!!!. Applying for a membership is easy, simply fill in the form below and I'll send you your username and password within 24 hours. Any malicious postings will be deleted and your account details will be removed. Please spread the word to other Weirs.


Your Details


Your Name:    

Date of Birth

Location: (i.e. Liverpool)


Email Address:

Preferred Username:

Preferred Password:
